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The Denver Project for Humanistic Inquiry, or D-Phi, aims to enrich Denver’s intellectual and cultural life through programs designed to reframe our perspectives, challenge our assumptions and stimulate dialogue about human thought, history, science, art and culture. D-Phi organizes roundtable discussions, art exhibits, film screenings, theatrical performances and lectures centered on major themes, issues or questions of abiding human concern. We host both local and international experts, artists and some of the “greatest minds of our time.”
Support the Denver Project for Humanistic Inquiry TODAY!
When you chose to support The Denver Project for Humanistic Inquiry, you make it possible for us to continue to present amazing intellectual and cultural events, as well as encourage important discussions and learning in the community. Becoming a member of D-Phi is easy! Chose the level of support that works for you, based on the events you are interested in attending:
Watch our conversation with Noam Chomsky!
Find more videos of our events, including discussions with Cornell West and Barney Frank, and much more on our website.